10 Expert Tips to Fight Exam Stress

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Exam time can be one of the most intense and stressful periods in an individual’s life. According to the HSC Student Handbook, each student is expected to “manage their stress effectively” and “be calm and alert”. To help manage exam stress, we’ve compiled: 

list of 10 expert tips to Fight Exam Stress

1. Tips for how to calm down during exams

3 minutes of deep breathing every hour will help with stress, by allowing you to clear your mind and relax. Similarly, relaxation exercises such as yoga or meditation can also assist with calming the mind and reducing stress levels. Maximize your relaxation with natural oils and breathing exercises. You can learn more about it from Motherhood Community.

2. Find a quiet space at school, say no to coffee

By removing yourself from the general school environment and finding a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted, you can minimize distractions. Steer clear of coffee too – caffeine is a diuretic that will dehydrate you and only add to your stress levels.

3. Leave your phone at home!

Distractions can play a big part in messing up your concentration during an exam. By leaving your phone at home, you will be limiting the temptation to use it and let yourself focus on the task at hand.

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4. Don’t fit too much revision into one sitting

It’s better to do a little bit of revision every day as opposed to cramming it all in one go. By spreading out your revision throughout the week, you will have more time to concentrate on each topic as well as reduce stress levels from trying to cover everything within a single sitting. Break down tasks into goals that can be achieved every day or every week rather than spending hours just on a single topic!

5. Eat healthily between exams!

Don’t skip meals before an exam – keep your brain working properly by eating healthy, nutritious foods! Avoid sugar and caffeine too – just like during revision, they will only add to your stress levels.

6. Get some exercise between exams!

According to the best psychiatrist in Bhopal, exercise is scientifically proven to reduce stress and improve brain function – it’s a great way of keeping fit while also calming the mind at the same time.

7. Find a balance between socializing and revision

If you leave studying until the last minute before an exam, you run the risk of leaving yourself with no study time but full social calendars. Try not to over-schedule or commit to more events that are likely to interfere with your studies on top of this – otherwise, you’ll end up having even less time for revision than you had planned for.

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8. Manage time effectively!

Make a timetable to schedule in your revision sessions, exercise, meals, etc – this will help you to budget the right amount of time out for each activity during your day. Stick to it! Time Management is one of the most important skills that students can learn to aid their success with HSC exams and beyond that into tertiary education or work life as well.

9. Reward yourself!

This is another great way of managing stress levels as well as giving yourself encouragement and motivation through positive reinforcement. It’s also fun! After completing all those hours of study, you deserve it!

10. Remember why you’re doing this…and enjoy the journey!

Remember: You only have to do the exams once! Make sure not to get so bogged down in your revision that you completely forget about the whole point of the HSC – the journey that it will take you on. By enjoying this time and embracing the amount of new knowledge and experiences you can gain, you’ll be able to look back fondly on your HSC once all the exams are finished! You might even find yourself more than a little bit inspired after doing so – and who knows where inspiration might take you next.We hope that this article was helpful to you! Remember that if you are feeling overwhelmed with stress during exams or before exams, there are people who can help. Visit a psychiatrist in Bhopal to find more support services in your area.

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