10 Cloud Technology Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

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Cloud computing has been transformed from a concept into one of the most adopted products of information technology. Cloud Technologies have witnessed enormous growth over the last fifteen years. Many private sector businesses and public enterprises in the world are now opting for cloud-based technologies for data handling and smooth business operations.

Even though cloud technology is gradually becoming an essential factor for businesses’ success but still many businesses have not fully embraced cloud-based services in their operations due to a lack of clarity related to technology. In this blog, we will debunk the top 10 most common myths related to cloud technology. 

Myth Number 1: Cloud-based technologies are costly.

A typical myth about cloud technology is that it is expensive. Some companies are still very reluctant to shift towards cloud-based platforms because of the expensive subscription prices. The subscription prices depend on the type of services you are acquiring for your business. It’s essential to carefully analyze the requirements and select the services which are required.

Myth Number 2:  Expert staff required to operate cloud-based applications

This is one of the most common myths that is always debated among businesses thinking to use cloud technology platforms. This myth is wrong because applications based on the cloud platform are easy to use. You will not require any specially qualified staff to operate your business application. One of the best examples is the cloud POS systems, which are easy to navigate and can be accessed anywhere in the world using a primary internet connection.

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Myth Number 3: Cloud is not protected

There has been a significant improvement over time regarding the security of cloud technology. Typically, well-reputed cloud service providers are investing in their cloud technology infrastructure to improve the security of the data from any misuse and also ensuring that the data is safe from any virus or malware attacks. The cloud service provider has more rigors and specialized security mechanisms to improve the encryption, functionality, and security of data.

Myth Number 4: Deployment & Migration takes time in the cloud technology

Usually, a new system’s migration and deployment in a retail business take a lot of time because of data transfer, application training, and more. But in cloud technology, the process is much faster as the vendor takes care of all the requirements by assisting the client with the tools which will expedite the deployment and migration.

Myth Number 5: Additional hardware will be required to use the cloud-based application

For using the cloud-based application, you will not have to purchase any additional hardware, nor will you have to upgrade your existing IT infrastructure to support cloud technology security & performance requirements. The cloud service provider will make all the necessary investment in its infrastructure to ensure up to date security and performance. Cloud technology saves many business expenses related to IT hardware.

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Myth Number 6: Application customization not available in cloud-based application

Cloud-based applications are also customizable depending on the business’s needs like any other application. You will have options to choose from a wide range of modules according to your requirement. It’s very easy to include and exclude any modules in your existing cloud system depending on the need, giving more control to the user over resources.

Myth Number 7: Data can be lost at any time because it’s unreliable

Data is the most critical element in any business. It has always been the owners’ top priority to safeguard their data from getting deleted, corrupted, or being misused for any reason. But in cloud technology, you will not have to worry about it because data will be backed up automatically on intervals and will be available to the owner in case of emergencies.

Myth Number 8: Cloud maintenance is the user responsibility

In a traditional application system, the business owners have to take the necessary steps to maintain the application’s operation which includes upgrading patches for optimization, security upgrades, and much more which is a considerable cost for the businesses. But in cloud technology-based applications, everything is being taken care of by the service provider.

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Myth Number 9: Availability & Control Issues

The best part of cloud technology is that they are accessible from anywhere so that owners can overview their business operation at any time. Cloud-based applications have strict access control mechanisms that allow only authorized persons defined by the owners to use the business application.

Myth Number 10 (Special): Weather affects cloud services

According to a survey performed by Wakefield Research USA, around 50 percent of the survey participants believed in this myth. Based on this misconception, they found cloud-based platforms to be infeasible. We can confirm that cloud technology is not a real cloud, and it doesn’t get affected by any weather condition.


For many businesses, the concept of moving towards cloud technology is ominous because they have less understanding regarding technology and its advantages. In the above article, we have tried to explain the most common myths to understand the importance of cloud technology and why it’s essential to move towards it in businesses.